Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 20: Striking out on my own

I am loving what I am doing so far and I have been able to accomplish a significant amount in the short time I have been engaged in following my passion.  I ran across an article today that really spoke to me and highlighted some things to keep in mind when striking out on your own.

Of the many things the article focused on I have already observed that 1) some people think I am crazy and think I should have given more effort to my full time job.  2) It is good to keep my ideas secret from some people. 3) It is a lot of work to get going but don't sacrifice your personal relationships, family, and friends at the expense of everything else.

They also included a checklist for making sure you get off on the right foot.  I am proud to say that I have accomplished all of these within the first four weeks of starting my business.  They are:

  1. Find a good Tax Consultant
  2. Remember you don't need the money
  3. Put together an invoicing system
  4. Find a good productivity system
  5. Plan time off and sick days
  6. Find other people like you
The full article can be found at here.

I also ran across another blog focused on creativity call the 99 Percent..  Give it a read for some interesting insight on the creative process.

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